New social co-operation model – raising employees’ involvement in the company’s financial management and economic performance
This project – New social co-operation model – raising employees’ involvement in the company’s financial management and economic performance – aims to strengthen the national and transnational co-operation between workers’ and employers’ representatives in respect of employee involvement in the company’s financial management and economic performance taking over the good experience Germany partners. In summary this action promotes the setting up of transnational information arising from the application of EU law on employee involvement; promote the exchange of information and good practice of Germany aimed at creating favorable conditions for the setting up of national participation bodies arising from the application of EU law on employee involvement in 3 Baltic Countries.
Project Manager
Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists
VšĮ “Projektų valdymo ir mokymų centras”, Lietuvos profesinių sąjungų konfederacija (LPSK), Nordmettal (VOK), Estijos darbdavių konfederacija, Vilniaus pramonės ir verslo asociacija, Estijos transporto profsąjunga, Latvijos profesinė sąjunga.
2015.11.02 – 2017.04.30